Direct Sourcing Solutions

Don’t start from zero — tap into your network.

Why search far and wide when the talent you need is right in front of you? OakTree’s direct sourcing solution makes the most of your existing connections to create and nurture an engaged talent pool.

Unlock the power of direct sourcing.

Discover the talent already within your reach. OakTree’s direct sourcing helps you uncover and harness this hidden potential to streamline and accelerate hiring.

Direct sourcing,
designed for you.

Every organization has its nuances, so we customize our solution to fit your unique requirements. Here’s how we do it:

  • Assess
    We evaluate your current needs, identify opportunities, and assign direct source resources for on-site support.
  • Curate
    We build a curated talent pool specific to your organization, leveraging our industry expertise.
  • Educate
    We help your hiring managers get acquainted with a recruiter working on contractor placement, ensuring effective collaboration.
  • Iterate
    We continually refine our approach based on feedback and results, ensuring ongoing improvement and success.

Enhance direct sourcing with comprehensive workforce management.

OakTree’s Employer of Record (EOR) and Agency of Record (AOR) services complement our direct sourcing solutions, ensuring seamless management and a positive experience for your contingent workforce.

  • Efficient hiring in new locations without legal hurdles
  • Simplified management of taxes, insurance, and regulations
  • High contractor satisfaction and retention

Trusted by leading companies

Insights that drive your growth.

Tap into our decades of knowledge and gain insights into the latest industry trends and career advice.

Revolutionizing Recruitment: The Rise of AI in the Staffing Industry
One trend stands out for its transformative impact within the staffing industry: the increasing use…
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Embracing A Change in Your Career Without Starting Over
In today’s dynamic job market, career pivoting is a concept that should be embraced, not feared. Eve…
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The STAR Method: A Comprehensive Guide to Successfully Answer Situational and Behavioral Questions in Job Interviews 
Navigating the job interview process can be a daunting task, especially when faced with behavioral q…
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