3 Tough Interview Questions And How to Answer Them

July 16, 2024
by OakTree Staffing

Tell me about yourself.

​Okay, so this is not technically a question, but it is a common inquiry that can set the tone for the rest of your interview. No matter how many times we may expect it, this one always seems to catch us off-guard.

Divide and conquer:

Divide your answer into three segments – past, present, and future. Briefly touch on where you’re from, where you’ve been, and what you set out to accomplish in the future with your career. This would also be a great opportunity to touch on some of your workplace attributes like being a fast learner, a team player, or being open and receptive to change.

What is your biggest weakness?

With this question, let’s avoid disguising your strengths as your biggest weakness. For example: “I’m a perfectionist.” Chances are your interviewer has heard that before, and they would love to roll their eyes when they hear it.

Authenticity is key:

This is your opportunity to show self-awareness and a willingness to admit you are not perfect, which is refreshing! Maybe your weakness is that you tend to get down on yourself after receiving criticism. Tell your interviewer this happens because you care and that you have been working on this part of yourself in order to better your performance as a teammate.

Why do you want this job?

Do not EVER respond with “I need a job.” We all need a job! This question is asked to see how much homework you’ve done on the industry, the company, and the job description. It is also asked to gauge the confidence you have to fulfill the role.

Here’s a sample answer:

“I have always been passionate about the _____ industry, and I’m confident that I have enough knowledge and experience to make an immediate impact. I admire your company’s values, its mission, and I believe I would be a great fit with the culture around here. This job description excites me because it not only aligns with my skill set, but it gives me the opportunity to learn more and grow with your company.”

Do you feel like we left you hanging? Like 3 questions weren’t enough? If you would like further assistance with your job search as well as more interviewing and resume tips, contact us today!

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